

Total living

Free spaces that stimulate imagination. Colours, shapes and lightness are adjustable and customisable, just like the life we wish for.


The clean lines are emphasised by the exclusive Laminam door and the dark wall units with mirror doors.


Free offers innovative materials. Laminam – 3 mm thick porcelain stoneware mounted on a totally concealed aluminium frame – is highly resistant and customisable.

Free enhances its shapes with colours. Open elements in lacquered wood are integrated into the composition, and stand out as lively details and niches of colour.

The cupboard column, equipped with a fully retractable door opening system, is intended as a wine cabinet solution, an elegant and visually exquisite wine cabinet for your home.




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GF Floritelli Sri – via Romana, 50 – 06081 Capodacqua di Assisi (Perugia) ITALIA | P.Iva 02443600545

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